Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Commit to the Small Things

"We cannot do great things, only small things with great love." Mother Theresa

Who's going to argue with Mother T?

I've made the commitment to be kind. I've told some of my ideas, expressed some views and gave some examples. Now I want to hear from you.

Tell me about your experiences. What have you done, large or small, random or not so random, kind and spectacular that make you feel that you are part of a community?

Plus give me ideas of things I can do. That's what it's all about after all. We are here, now, and what we do on a daily basis is really our life. It's not the "once I get" that makes your life what it is.

You know, "Once I get the (fill in the blank), I will have that settled and then I can start helping people." The usual choices are car, vacation, house, boyfriend or girlfriend, you get the idea.

I look at acts of kindness as the same thing. Without some commitment to do it now, without opening my heart to the possibility that I can change the world through simple acts of kindness, I will really never know.

The key is to take some small act random or otherwise and get the ball rolling. Then please tell me about your story. Let's get inspired together.

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