Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Jersey Blood Drive

I am keeping my commitment to kindness by trying things that I haven't done in the past. This means pushing myself out of my toasty comfort zone and taking responsibility for others as well as myself. The New York Blood Center blood drive fit the bill. It's help to others, it took about 15 minutes and it's an experience I've never had before.

Two years ago I got very sick. I was unexpectedly hospitalized with a serious condition called diverticulitis, an infection in the pocket of my large intestine, (sexy, right?). The infection was so bad that I was out of work for over a month on intravenous medication and went through surgery where they removed 16 inches of my large intestine. I didn't know that I had that much to give. Of course I asked the doctor who said, "Don't worry, you don't need that much."

It made me appreciate my health. It also made me realize that blood is something that all of us take for granted.

Now the statistics - About 60% of us qualify to give blood. About 2% actually give blood to the blood bank.

Why don't more people give blood? I think many are afraid or get nauseous at the sight of blood. What if someone you knew was dying and needed your blood? I think we would all roll up your sleeve and give all that we could. Why is it any different because we haven't met the recipient?

Kindness towards others transcends the typical relationships we establish as father, son or brother and works on the concept that we all belong to the group of mankind. As part of that community we respect each other and want to give back.

One in three people will need blood in their lifetime. This area is desperately short of supply and we rely on other areas of the country to supply us. It's truly a "gift from the heart!"

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