Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Have I Changed the World Yet?

The One Month Anniversary!

I started this blog one month ago this Wednesday with the idea of tracking kind acts, random or otherwise, that I perform. Not for accolades, but with the hope to explore kindness as a way of life.

I wanted to open my heart to the possibility that we can all make a difference by being kinder to each other. I want to be more involved.

So far I've become involved with food drives, donations to animal shelters and I even gave blood for the first time. I think it's a good start.

One thing I noticed is that I constantly battle against time. I feel that I spend so much time "earning a living" that I don't always have the quiet time to do the things I love to do or explore the other things life has to offer. I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling that the world seems to move too fast sometimes.

With that in mind I am going to give a little kindness to myself and to those I come in contact with today by going a little slower, listening better and smiling more.

Have a great day!

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